About us

Operating within the Bom Jesus Medical Center since 1980, the Teresa Patrício Dental Clinic provides all patients an excellent dental care.

As part of a multidisciplinary team dedicated to continuous training, our professionals are qualified to treat a wide range of cases, from the most simple to most complex, always with the best equipment and the most advanced techniques.

We value personalized attention and an evidence-based approach, trying everything that is possible to conserve the teeth. That said, you are more than welcome to visit our clinic.

Your smile is our business card! 



Social Responsability

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Teresa Patrício
Teresa Patrício Dentist

.Graduate in Dentistry at the University of Porto in 1980

.Post-graduate in Fixed Prosthodontics

.Post-graduate in Orthodontics

.Fellow of International College of Dentists (ICD)

.Member of the Portuguese Dentofacial Orthopedics Society

.Member of the European Orthodontic Society (EOS)

.Member of the Portuguese Society of Pediatric Dentistry

.Attendance at several national and international conferences and congresses since 1980

Josefa Hintze Ribeiro
Josefa Hintze Ribeiro Dentist

.Integrated Master’s Degree in Dentistry at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Fernando Pessoa University, in 2011

.Internship in Implantology and Periodontology and Generalist Dentist at Clínica Alcoforado (2011 to 2015)

.Comprehensive Course in Fixed Prosthodontics at the Amial Dentistry Study Center in 2012

.International Intensive Course in Basic and Advanced Implantology (Lisbon – São Paulo) in 2013

.Course in Occlusion under the tutelage of Professor Luís Redinha in 2013

.Course in Mechanized Endodontics at the Endoacademy in 2015

.Attendance at several national and international conferences and congresses since 2008

Gil Alcoforado
Gil Alcoforado Dentist

.Graduate in Dentistry at the University of Lisbon – 1980

.Specialist in Periodontology at the University of Bergen – 1981-1983

.Fellow at the International College of Dentists – June 1985

.Invited Researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, USA – 1986

.Invited Professor at the University of Michigan – 1989-1990

.Doctorate at the University of Lisbon – 1995

.Associate Professor at the same university – 1999

.Invited Professor at the University of Southern California, USA – 1998-to the present day

.Deputy Director of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Lisbon – 2000-2004

.Full Professor – 2001-August 2014

.Invited Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, USA – 2002-2006

.Founder of the Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants as well as of the European Federation of Periodontology

.President of the European Federation of Periodontology – 1996-1997

.Board Member of the IADR (Continental Division) – 2001-2004

.President of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Dental Association – 2006-2009

.Fellow of the American College of Dentists – Since october 2009

.Elected for the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) Board – October 2012

Márcia Correia
Márcia Correia Receptionist and Dental Assistant

Receptionist and Dental Assistant



Oral surgery

Dentistry field responsible for surgeries performed in the mouth, such as:

- Teeth extraction (debilitated, impacted or badly positioned teeth);

- Cyst removal;

- Torus removal (bony protrusions);

- Frenectomies;

- Biopsies for anatomopathological confirmation of any oral lesion.

Pediatric Dentistry

Dentistry field responsible for children’s oral health care.

An early medical supervision is important for the child to develop a healthy dentition — both in esthetic and functional terms.    


Field of dentistry dedicated to the treatment of the dental pulp (tooth nerve), as well as periradicular areas.

Commonly called root canal treatment, this treatment consists of removing and disinfecting the dental pulp and replacing it by an aseptic material. Usually this treatment is used in cases like deep dental caries, fractured teeth, or severely worn teeth. It can be made in one or several sessions, depending on the complexity of the case.


It's a field dedicated to studying, diagnosing and treating growth and development problems in the face, the dental arches and the bite. It corrects dentofacial deformities through the alignment and correction of the teeth positioning.

Poorly positioned teeth usually lower one’s self-esteem and may affect phonetic articulation and chewing, as well as promoting dental caries and gingival problems.


The loss of teeth can result from a number of causes, such as dental caries, dental trauma or gingival problems. Even though the loss of an anterior tooth causes mainly esthetic problems, the loss of posterior teeth can lead to several functional/masticatory problems. Also, the loss of a tooth can produce changes in dental occlusion.

This field’s purpose is to restore toothless areas in order to fix esthetic problems, repair the masticatory function, and solve phonetic issues. To accomplish that, we have two kinds of restoration procedures:

Fixed Prosthesis

It rehabilitates weak teeth and/or toothless areas though the permanent attachment of the prosthesis.

There are fixed solutions that can be placed over the teeth (in this case, the root is used) or over implants.

Over the teeth, we can use unitary crowns or fixed bridges that cover several teeth. In a situation where the teeth were already lost, putting implants and then placing crowns over them is a great solution. As restoration procedures over implants we also have single tooth solutions all the way to a full solution (whole mouth).

Removable Prosthesis

It rehabilitates toothless areas, but in a removable way. There are partial or full prostheses, in acrylic or skeletal (with metal). 

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dentistry field meant to improve dental esthetics through dental restoration.

The teeth are restored through direct and indirect means (inlays, onlays, overlays and veneers), using different materials like composite resins (“white filling”), zirconia or ceramic.

The dental caries has a major impact, since it is the main cause for the loss of tooth structure. Therefore, preventing it is an important aspect for us.

Teeth whitening should also be mentioned — a procedure that can improve significantly the esthetics of your smile.


Dentistry field that studies and treats the relationship between the maxillary and the mandibular teeth.

The correct relationship between the teeth and the upper and lower dental ridges favors a better chewing, phonetic articulation, deglutition and esthetics. It also treats pain and prevents tooth wear associated with parafunctional habits, like for instance bruxism (teeth grinding).


Dentistry field that studies the tissues that support the teeth: the gingiva, the periodontal ligament, and the alveolar bone. It diagnoses and treats periodontal diseases.

Unfortunately, the loss of teeth in the adult age is mostly due to periodontal diseases. Succinctly, gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, usually caused by the accumulation of dental plaque. This stage is reversible, and after a detartrating procedure performed by the dentist, the gum tissues go back to their healthy state. However, periodontitis is a more advanced stage, characterized by the loss of alveolar bone, which can put the support of the tooth at risk. In this stage, a more profound hygiene procedure carried out in the dental practice is essential – it is called root planing and is made with a local anesthesia.

Symptoms like gingival bleeding, gingival recession (receding gums), moving teeth, bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth are signs of alarm.

We consider prevention to be extremely important in this field. Therefore, oral hygiene plays a crucial role.


Dentistry field responsible for placing dental implants through surgery.

Titanium implants are inserted into the mandible or maxilla bone and replace the teeth roots. After a cicatrization period, they work as a support for unitary crowns and fixed or removable bridges, partial or full.

Clinical Cases

76-year-old male patient

Reason for the appointment: Completely toothless patient who wanted implanted teeth.

Treatment plan: Placement of 4 upper implants and 2 lower implants. Making of an upper bar and placement of 2 locators® in the lower part. Making of a removable upper and lower dental prosthesis, with fittings in the bar and locators®.

This treatment plan was chosen due to the fact that the patient wanted a full solution, but not totally fixed, since he did not have much dexterity to clean a fixed prosthesis. So he got a pretty retentive solution (due to the fittings) that can be removed for a proper cleaning.

27-year-old female patient

Reason for the appointment: Improve esthetics. The patient suffered an accident 3 years ago and placed a metal ceramic bridge that was very unaesthetic.

Treatment plan: Crown lengthening for a better gingival contour. Placement of 2 implants in positions 11 and 22. Placement of a 3-unit bridge over the 2 implants. Placement of ceramic crowns on teeth 12, 13 and 23.

53-year-old female patient

Reason for the appointment: fractured crown on tooth 11, close a diastema (space between teeth), and improving gingival smile.

Treatment plan: Crown lengthening to reduce gingival smile and 2 new ceramic crowns on teeth 11 and 21.

Health Tourism

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Bom Jesus Center, Av. Príncipe do Mónaco 9500-237 Ponta Delgada Azores - Portugal


Consults: 13:30 - 19:30
Bookings: 10:00 - 20:00